
It's a new day!

Sorry it has been a few weeks since our last update. I have been busy with school stuff and Rus has been busy working and doing school stuff as well.
Halloween was a blast! Trenton had a lot of fun. I don't think he really understood why everyone was giving him candy, but in the end I think he was ok with it. lol. He did, however, try to go into everyones house. It was cute. But he enjoyed it. We gave him his first lollipop, oh man, he was on a sugar buzz for the next two hours.
Lets see, election day...I don't have anything good to say about that. One good thing that did come from this election cycle is that I realized my true political values. So that's at least one positive thing, gotta find something positive in the socialist storm to come. I better stop before I go on a rant. lol.
I graduate in about 1 1/2 months! I just finished my rough draft for my senior paper, so that was a weight lifted...well until I get it back next week and have to correct it. lol. I only have 4 more full weeks of school left! That is crazy. I am going to start applying for grad schools in the Spring.
Talking about grad schools...We got orders!!! We are going to Fort Hood, Texas. Not what we expected, but it is better than Nebraska I guess. Maybe I can hang out with Ron Paul...my new favorite person. lol. It will definitely be a change, but a welcome one I think.
Well, Trenton is sitting in his toy box, so I better go before he realizes that he is stuck in there. I will write again soon. Love and miss you all!
Check out the Pictures from the last month on Walmart.com, if you don't have the link, shoot me an email and I will get it to you.
Gonzo Fam


Home at last!

Well, we are home from our trip to Colorado. The trip went well. everyone was stressed because of Jay and Blair's wedding so tensions were a little high, but it was fun anyways. Trenton enjoyed seeing his Meema and Grandma's, popa, papa, grandpa and all the others, lol. He was pretty good on the plane both ways which was a huge relief.

Rus and I ran our first race together last weekend as well. It was amazing! It was called Fans on the field and we got to run through the 3 main stadiums in Denver. We started at mile high (GO BRONCOS!!!) and then ran through Coor's field (Home of the Rockies) and then through the pepsi center (home of the Avs and the Nuggets). We ran a little slower than we are used to, man that altitude killed me! But we took it slow and were able to stop and get pictures at all the stadiums. Now we need to find another race to do!

We are still kind of thinking about going down to Florida in Jan. It was supposed to be a graduation gift, but now with the economy in the crapper...we are not sure if we want to put that much money on a credit card. So it looks like for now..the trip is off. Sad. I was looking forward to running the Disney marathon. Oh well, we gotta do whats best for our family.

Rus starts school this week!!! Hooray for him. It only took me 3 years of kickin him in the butt to do it, but he is enrolled for one class right now. It is an online class to teach you about taking classes online, lol. Then once he is done with that he will start taking real classes. He is thinking about a philosophy or political science major. A husband and wife political team...I can see it now. Watch for us in future elections. hehe.

Let's see...that's about it on our side of the country. We are trying to get back into the swing of things. I missed some projects and tests while we were away so now I am stressed out trying to catch up, but other than that it has been pretty quiet.
Hope to write more soon! Love and miss you all!


Race day!!

Well, we just got back from the race! It went really well...for the most part. I still haven't gotten my official time back yet, but it isn't really official because they had to cut the race short to 10 miles. We got the full force of tropical storm Ike while we were running. It was interesting. I have never been that wet before in my life...not even in the shower. lol. It poured rain for the first half of the race and then the second half was all wind and little rain drops that felt like little bee stings all over your body. We had flash flood warnings the whole race and when they realized that the course was flooded (the last part was down by the Missouri river) they called it off. For my first race it was definitely an experience. I got to the starting line way too early and waited in the rain and freezing cold wind for about 2 hours (race started about 45 minutes late). I wasted most of my energy shivering before the race even started...that was the worst part, waiting, but once I started to run, I found a nice groove and averaged about 8 minute miles the whole way. I was ready to keep going, but God thought otherwise, lol.
Trenton and Rus had fun as well, and while we were at the race expo Rus got some new running stuff and I convinced him to run a race with me in a few weeks. I am running a 10k (6.2 miles) and he will be running a 5k (3.1). I tried to get him to run the whole thing with me, but he is a big baby. lol. So all and all...I am in love with running and racing. I had a blast!
Next trip is off to CO on the 24th for Jay's wedding.
Rus says hi!!! (I asked if he had anything to add and he said "hi"...so there you go)
Love and miss you all!
Gonzales Family


Race Day!!!

Well, tomorrow is the day of truth. The Lewis and Clark Marathon is tomorrow. I am only running a half this time. 13.1 miles. We are going to go stay up in St. Charles tonight because I have to be at the start line at 5:45am. The weather forecast tomorrow....rain, rain, rain and more rain, 3-6 inches to be exact. We are going to be getting the hurricane remnants all day. So running that far in the rain will be fun, maybe, probably not.
I am excited! I am ready. I trained really hard for this. My goal is to run 8:15-8:25 miles. So that would put me under 2 hours and that is my ultimate goal. We shall see tomorrow. The sheets of rain may hinder that a little.
On the home front...we bought a sliding glass dog door yesterday. Kona was scared to death to go through it at first but she has gotten used to it already. And so has Trenton. I am pretty sure he thinks that we bought the door for him. lol.
We will post pics tomorrow! Love and miss you all!
Gonzo Fam


Getting ready for bed...

Hi all! Well, it is the close of another week already. I am just sitting around watching the RNC and John McCain accept the Republican nomination. How about Palin's speach last night? Man, is she good or what? Talk about breaking the glass ceiling! I am excited about the first potential female in the white house! (well, I wouldn't be excited if it were Hiliary...is she still a woman? lol. just kidding...kind of). Now it will be a lot easier for me to become President. :) Helping those who have the ability to help themselves. Okay I have had my political rant. Politics and History...I have found my niche. I have been considering law school lately...hhhmmm...maybe this is good inspiration.

TC went for his 15 month check up yesterday. He is still underweight, but the doc doesn't seems too worried. He keeps reassuring us that someone has to be in the bottom 5th percentile and it just so happens to be TC. He seems healthy though. He also had to get a couple shots. Poor little guy. I have to have Rus there to help hold him down because I just can not do it. The look he gives me just kills me. But, he stopped crying as soon as the shots were over because the nurse gave him a Sponge Bob sticker. He has been having wicked stranger anxiety lately. If someone in passing looks at him for too long he cries, lol. I don't have a problem with him being extra clingy though because he seems to be getting bigger and more independent everyday, so I will take what I can get.

Less than 2 weeks til race day!!! YIKES!!!! We love and miss you all!

Gonzales family


Back in the habit

Well, I just finished my first week of school. It is nice that it is the first week of the last semester of school! This semester will be pretty difficult. I have a senior capstone seminar that I have to take and the whole point of the class is the write a 25-30 page paper. On top of that, I have papers in my other 4 classes ranging from 10-15 pages each. Luckily, I am pretty good at writing research papers as I have gotten used to it over the past few years.
TC is doing very well. He is napping at the moment. (thank God, lol) I am pretty sure he is in his terrible 2's already. He bit me in the grocery store yesterday and broke skin. When I woke up this morning the whole area where he bit me is bruised. Patience is a definitely needed when dealing with him lately. We are trying to go to the park and play in the baby pool as much as we can because soon we will be stuck inside all winter. We (TC and I) go to playgroup once every two weeks, and I think he is really enjoying it. He is getting the chance to interact and play with kids his own age.
Ruston just got home from Keesler AFB a couple of weeks ago. (He was gone all summer, for those that don't know). I think he is adjusting very well, getting back into the swing of things. It has been really sweet to watch TC and Rus become very close again. TC is so excited every time he sees his daddy. He is back to work now and is usually working early shifts (5am-1). He is off every Tuesday and Thursday so I can go to school those days.
OK I think that is all for now. I have to go run 15 miles. Race day is 2 weeks from today!!! YIKES!!! Love and miss you all!

We have a blog!!!

Well I guess since this is the newest trend, this is where we will post! If you stick with us, we will give you all the juiciest news from our lives....OK really we will try not to bore you too much. I'm sure it will mostly be me that is writing this because...well, you know how Ruston is. We call Trenton "TC" for short (thanks to his ggpa) so that's what I will write in this blog, just so everyone is on the same page. We love and miss you all!